






上院  83/100名
下院 349/441名
合計 432名の議員へ無事Faxが送信されました。

つきましては、短い時間ではありますが6月9日の締め切り前の、6月5日17時を締切として、第二次募集を行いたいと思います。(28 May, 2013)

★おかげさまで3,000筆を超える署名が集まりました。ここで募集を締め切らせていただきます。正確な人数および今後の展開につきましては随時ご報告させていただきます。ご協力感謝いたしますと共に皆さまの思いを届けるべく動いて行きますので今後ともよろしくお願いいたします。(16May, 2013)
★第一目標1,000筆達成いたしました。(10May, 2013)




現在米国議会は、日本をTPその送り状の署名欄に名前を連ねP交渉に参加させるかどうかを議論するとともに、政府に通商条約を結ぶための権限を与えるかどうかを検討中です。2007年に失効している大統領貿易促進権限(Trade Promotion Authority)、略してTPAを米国議会が政府に認めるかどうか、注目が集まっています。TPAを取れない場合、アメリカはTPP協定締結を諦めなければならないからです。






鈴木 宣弘(東京大学教授)
まつだ よしこ(東京都)
佐久間 広仲(茨城県)
内田 透(北海道)
鈴木 伸和(埼玉県)
湊 洋一(東京都)
隈田原 盛淳(千葉県)

Facebook グループTPPって何?



May 2013

To whom it may concern,

We are a group of people in Japan concerned about Japan’s participation in the negotiation of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement. More than 240 members of the Japanese national Congress, the Diet, from the Liberal Democratic Party are determined to refuse ratification of any resulting TPP agreement unless Japan’s national interests are protected.
The LDP’s campaign policy platform from the recent election specifies the six conditions for an acceptable TPP, many of which are opposite of what is contained in the current agreement text that has resulted from three years of negotiations. This includes no liberalization of key agricultural sectors, such as rice, wheat and barley, beef, dairy products and sugar as well as standards on food safety and labeling the origine countries, and keeping the functions of financial service, such as Japan Post's insurance (Kanpo), Japan Post's banking(Yucho), fraternal insurance (Kyosai), as suited to Japanese society.
Please refer to LDP’s official website for details.


In addition to the LDP, parliamentarians from most of the Japanese Opposition Parties are clearly against TPP.
Please also refer to the attached translation of the resolution by both the House of Representatives and the House of Councilors Standing Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
If the Obama Administration insists that the Abe administration join TPP on terms that contradict his promises to the Japanese people, it would not only put the agreement’s eventual ratification in Japan into question, but also will cause anti-U.S. sentiment, including to lead us to avoid American products.

Indeed, as Abe’s recent announcements have focused on attention in Japan on TPP, we can already see some signs of Japanese consumers avoiding American food, namely beef or fruits for safety reasons, as this controversial discussion has escalated during past couple of years. As you likely know, it is not the way of the Japanese people to “speak” too loud. We would not organize a boycott campaign or movement, however, we will simply quit buying things from the producers that we do not trust or whose government is pushing against our national interests.

We would strongly recommend you to read the attached translation and consider LDP’s promise to the Japanese people before approving Japan’s participation in TPP.

Thank you.

Faithfully yours,











Translation provided by Nobuhiro Suzuki
Professor of International Environmental Economics
Department of Global Agricultural Sciences
The University of Tokyo

Resolution on Japan's participation in the

negotiations of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

LDP's Policy Research Council Research Commission on Regional Diplomatic and Economic Partnership

February 27, 2013

The Liberal Democratic Party Policy Research Council and Research Commission on Foreign Affairs and Economic Partnership have made the following resolution.

After the Japan-U.S. summit meeting, many members of the Liberal Democratic Party are still calling for more careful approach toward Japan's participation in the TPP negotiations.

Before deciding whether or not to join the negotiations, the Government should give serious consideration to views expressed in the party's discussions.

Upon the decision, the government should identify national interests to be protected, and should present a clear strategy of how it ensures the national interests in the TPP negotiations if it makes decision on the participation in the negotiations.

We confirm, in the paper attached, what are national interests to be protected with respect to the TPP.

National interests to be protected with respect to the TPP

Six issues identified in LDP's election campaign promise.

  1. Tariffs on products of agriculture, forestry and fisheries: Sensitive products of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, such as rice, wheat and barley, beef, dairy products, and sugar, must be excluded from negotiation or subject to renegotiation for the purpose of maintaining their sustainable domestic production.
  2. Standards on safety and environment and numerical targets on automobilesandotherindustrial products: Japan's own safety and environment standards of automobiles, including regulation on emissions, conformity assessment of safety standards, tax code, preferences to “Kei” (small size) vehicles, must not be weakened. Any numerical targets on automobiles, which are against the principle of free trade, are unacceptable.
  3. Universal health-care insurance and its public program on drug price reimbursement: The current coverage of public health-care insurance must be maintained. Commercial company's entry into medical service must not be permitted, and the ban on mixed medical services must not be lifted. Public program on drug price reimbursement must not be jeopardized.
  4. Standards on food safety: Compromise must not be made on food safety regulations, especially for limits for pesticide residues and food additives, mandatory labeling for genetically modified foods, country of origin labeling for imported materials and regulations for BSE.
  5. ISD provision: ISD provision, which could undermine national sovereignty, is not acceptable.
  6. Government procurement and financial service: The government procurement and financial service, such as Japan Post's insurance (Kanpo), Japan Post's banking (Yucho), fraternal insurance (Kyosai), must maintain their functions as suited to Japanese society.

−The following points were raised with particular emphasis in the party's discussion−

Patent on pharmaceuticals and copyright

Protection of patent on pharmaceuticals must not be strengthened in such a way as to hamper medical policies. Protection of copyright must not be enhanced in such a way as to worsen international balance of payments.

Regulation on opening office and mutual recognition of licentiates

Regulation on opening office for lawyers, as well as licensing system of doctor, nurse, care worker, engineer, architect, chartered accountant, tax accountant must maintain their functions as suited to Japanese society.

Fishery subsidies

Each government must retain discretion in policy making with regard to fishery subsidies.


Restrictions on foreign investment in broadcasting industry, as well as resale price maintenance system of newspapers, magazines and books and their home delivery, must maintain their functions as suited to Japanese society.

Level playing field between state-owned enterprises and private entities

Japan Tobacco, Inc. (JT), Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), Japan Broadcasting Corporation (Nippon Hoso Kyokai; NHK) and Japan Railways (JR) must maintain their functions as suited to Japanese society.


(Unofficial translation)

19 April 2013

House of Representatives Standing Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

On the start of Japan’s participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement negotiations

The House Standing Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries resolves as follows:

On 15 March 2013 Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced Japan’s participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement negotiations, and on 12 April 2013 reached an agreement on Japan-U.S. consultations toward participating in the TPP negotiations.

The Agreement, whose basic principles are originally designed to remove all customs duties, poses a risk of causing a serious blow to Japan’s agriculture, forestry and fisheries industries and its farming, mountain and fishing communities, while reducing food self-sufficiency rate and bringing about the collapse of regional economies and communities as well as forfeiting their diverse functions to sustain the current landscape and maintain the state lands.  The agreement, in addition, is feared to affect the life of the people greatly in such areas as food safety and security that come under threat.

The Committee has, by passing two resolutions: one “On the beginning of the Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement(EPA) negotiations” in December 2006, and another “On consultations with the countries concerned toward participating in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement negotiations” in December 2011, pursued its request that the Government of Japan exert all adequate efforts in dealing with bilateral, multilateral economic partnership agreements with other countries to keep Japanese agriculture, forestry and fisheries industries and the people’s life from being adversely affected.

Against this background, the Joint Statement issued by Japan and the United States after the bilateral summit talk in February 2013 stated that the two Governments “recognized both countries have bilateral trade sensitivities, such as certain agricultural products for Japan and certain manufactured products for the United States,” and the Japanese Government, having ensured that Japan was not “presumed to eliminate all tariffs without any sanctuary” at the summit talk, decided to participate in the TPP negotiations.

Japan has, however, other national interests to protect besides certain agricultural products, and is yet to make clear how they can be securely ensured and with what specific contents.  For this reason the worries that all walks of people harbor are not completely dispelled; Japan’s consensus on the participation in the TPP negotiations, in particular, has not been reached among a broad range of the people including those in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries industries.

Accordingly, the Committee reiterates its strong demands that with the above in mind the Government of Japan should, when participating in TPP negotiations, put into practice the following:

1. Rice, wheat, beef, pork, milk products, sweetening resource products and other sensitive agricultural, forestry and fisheries products should be exempt or taken for re-negotiation so that they can continue to be reproduced.  No approval should be given even to gradual elimination of tariffs beyond ten years.
2. Care should be taken both to ensure food safety and security and to do no harm to stable production of food, in such areas as standards for residual pesticide chemicals and food additives, mandatory disclosure of genetically modified foods, regulatory measures on genetically modified seeds, place-of-origin labeling for imported ingredients, beef import and other measures regarding bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).
3. Maximum consideration should be paid to the tariffs on plyboard and lumber which are essential to the forest management in Japan’s domestic measures of global warming and its improvement of wood self-sufficiency rate.
4. Japan’s right to determine its own policy of fisheries subsidies and other matters should be maintained.  Even if restrictions on fisheries subsidies were to be framed, they should be limited to the area relating to overfishing, whereas the subsidies necessary to ensure the sustainable development of the fishing industry and its multi-functioned enhancement, including fish-port improvement and income support, should be maintained, in addition to those to ensure recovery from earthquake and other disasters.
5. No stipulation of investor-state dispute settlement with prejudice to national sovereignty should be made unless a measure to check rampant litigation is provided.
6. The Government should conduct the negotiations, keeping bilateral and other negotiations in mind and with the top priority given to the holding out of the immunity of five sensitive products in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries industries that come under restrictions of natural and geographical conditions, and should not hesitate to abandon them in case such a consideration could not be upheld.
7. The Government should deal with information acquired through the negotiations in a manner to promptly report to the Diet, and to adequately provide it to the people so that a wide range of popular debates can take place.
8. Even while proceeding with the negotiations, the Government should exert all efforts in accelerating structural reform in domestic agriculture, forestry and fisheries industries, and combine all resources in its handling in full consideration of the massive effects stemming from the outcome of the negotiations upon the above and other related industries as well as regional economies.




  1. 先の日米首脳会談を受けて、依然としてTPP交渉参加に対して慎重な意見が党内に多く上がっている。
  2. 政府は、交渉参加をするかどうか判断するにあたり、自由民主党における議論をしっかり受けとめるべきである。
  3. その際、守り抜くべき国益を認知し、その上で仮に交渉参加の判断を行う場合は、それらの国益をどう守っていくのか、明確な方針を示すべきである。
  4. 守り抜くべき国益については別紙のとおり、確認する。






@農林水産品における関税 米、麦、牛肉、乳製品、砂糖等の農林水産物の重要品目が、引き続き再生産可能となるよう除外又は再協議の対象となること。 A自動車等の安全基準、環境基準、数値目標等 自動車における排ガス規制、安全基準認証、税制、軽自動車優遇等の我が国固有の安全基準、環境基準等を損なわないこと及び自由貿易の理念に反する工業製品の数値目標は受け入れないこと。 B国民皆保険、公的薬価制度 公的な医療給付範囲を維持すること。医療機関経営への営利企業参入、混合診療の全面解禁を許さないこと。公的薬価算定の仕組みを改悪しないこと。 C食の安全安心の基準 残留農薬・食品添加物の基準、遺伝子組換え食品の表示義務、輸入原材料の原産地表示、BSE基準等において、食の安全安心が損なわれないこと。 DISD条項 国の主権を損なうようなISD条項は合意しないこと。 E政府調達・金融サービス業 政府調達及び、かんぽ、郵貯、共済等の金融サービス等のあり方については我が国の特性を踏まえること。 ―党内議論において下記事項についても強い指摘があった―













平成25 年3 月13 日 ※英文は2月27日付のものです。
TPP 対策委員会

本年2 月22 日の日米首脳会談の結果、安倍総理とオバマ大統領は、「環太平洋パートナーシップ」(TPP)交渉に関する共同声明を発表し、「聖域なき関税撤廃」が前提でないことが文書で確認された。これは、安倍新政権による日本外交の成果と考えられる。
これを受けて、自由民主党外交・経済連携本部に置かれたTPP 対策委員会は、政府並びに関係諸団体等から意見聴取を行うとともに、分野毎の検証作業などを通じ、全党挙げての集中的な議論を行った。これらの結果として、以下の通り決議し、安倍総理に対し、申し入れを行うものである。

  1. 先の総選挙において、自由民主党は、TPP 交渉参加に関し6 項目の約束を国民に対して行って選挙戦に臨み、政権復帰を果たした。これらの公約は、国民との直接の約束であり、党として必ず守らなければならない。
    このため、政府は、国民生活に対する影響を明らかにし、守るべき国益を如何にして守るかについて明確な方針と十分な情報を国民に速やかに提示しなければならない。また、本年2 月27 日に自由民主党外交・経済連携調査会で採択した「TPP 交渉参加に関する決議」を遵守し、その実現に向けた戦略的方針を確立するべきである。
  2. TPP 交渉参加については、国民の間に様々な不安の声が存在している。
    (1) もし、聖域の確保が達成できなければ、食料自給率の低下、農地の荒廃、担い手の減少などにより、国民に安定的に食糧を供給する食料安全保障が確保できなくなるのではないか、離島や農山漁村地域などにおける社会基盤が維持できなくなるのではないか、また、美しい故郷と国土を維持する多面的機能が維持できなくなるのではないか、との声が大きい。
    (2) 国民の生活に欠かせない医療分野でも、これまで営々と築き上げてきた国民皆保険制度が損なわれるのではないか、また食の分野においては、食品添加物や遺伝子組換え食品などに関する規制緩和によって食の安全・安心が脅かされるのではないか、との強い懸念が示されている。
    (3) さらに、我が国の主権を損なうようなISD 条項(投資家対国家間の紛争解決条項)が導入されるのではないか、政府調達、金融サービス等について、我が国の特性を踏まえることなく、国際調和の名の下に変節を余儀なくされるのではないか、といった様々な懸念が示されている。
  3. 一方、今TPP 交渉に参加しなければ、今後、我が国の人口減少・高齢化が一層進む中、アジア太平洋地域の成長を十分に取り込むことができず、我が国がこれまで築き上げてきた国民生活の水準、国際社会における地位を保つことはできなくなるのではないか、との懸念する声も大きい。
    また、世界第3 位の経済大国である我が国が、アジア太平洋地域における貿易や投資等の経済ルール作りに参加しないことは、この地域における政治的・経済的リーダーシップの低下につながるとの声もある。
    さらに、我が国にとって日米関係が外交の基軸であることにかんがみ、今後のアジア太平洋地域における経済連携を進めるに当たっては、TPP 交渉に参加して、米国との一層の経済的連携を深めるとともに、守るべき国益の議論のみでなく、交渉において攻めるべき点を攻めていくべき、との大きな声もある。
  4. このように、国民の意見が大きく分かれる中で、我が国がTPP 交渉参加の是非を判断することは、容易ではない。安倍総理におかれては、岐路に立つ日本の経済・社会が今後進むべき方向を選択するという高い見地から判断願いたい。なかんずく、上記のような様々な意見を十分に尊重され、我が国の自然的・地理的あるいは歴史的・社会的条件、我が国を取り巻く国際環境、経済再生の重要性等を踏まえ、国家百年の計に基づく大きな決断をしていただきたい。
  5. なお、仮に交渉参加を決断する場合において、TPP が国民生活に大きな影響を及ぼし得ることから、以下の諸点を確実に実行すべきである。 この場合において、特に、自然的・地理的条件に制約される農林水産分野の重要5 品目等やこれまで営々と築き上げてきた国民皆保険制度などの聖域(死活的利益)の確保を最優先し、それが確保できないと判断した場合は、脱退も辞さないものとする。
    (1) 政府は、別紙の党内5 グループ並びに21 作業分野に対する検討チームの取りまとめの内容を踏まえ、2 国間交渉等にも留意しつつ、その主張が交渉結果にしっかりと反映されるよう全力 を挙げ、交渉の進展に応じ、適時に十分な情報提供を行うこと。
    (2) これまで、国内の各産業や各制度については、省庁ごとに個別に交渉することが多かったが、TPP 交渉においては、強力な交渉チームを作り、また閣内の連携を強く保つことにより、政府一丸となって国益を十分に実現していくこと。


仮にTPP 交渉に参加する場合は、国益がしっかり守られ、結果として日本の繁栄につながるよう、政府と与党が一体となって交渉を進めるべく、自由民主党外交・経済連携本部内のTPP 対策委員会と政府は緊密に連携すべきである。


